Find the New You


Try us FREE and

Find the New You!

We’re so glad you’re here. At CCC, we have a variety of options to help kickstart your health and fitness journey, including group classes for all fitness levels, personal training, nutrition coaching, and more. A No-Sweat Intro is just that: no sweat! It’s a free 30-minute conversation with one of our caring coaches to discuss your goals and how we can help you achieve them.

Produced by Colton Lopez


We welcome anyone at any level!

Welcome to CrossFit Controlled Chaos, a locally owned gym here in beautiful Colorado Springs. We pride ourselves in offering a welcoming environment for all ages and fitness levels, whether you’re new to CrossFit or interested in pursuing elite-level athletic competition.

Our fitness ideology is simple…

...move your body regularly in a way that’s challenging and enjoyable. We believe wholeheartedly in the benefits of functional movement and training, but we also support your engagement in any form of physical activity that gets your body moving, flowing, and sweating. Fitness should challenge your body and mind, but it should also be fun, social, and engaging. We strive to offer this balance by cultivating an environment that leaves you feeling strong, breathless, accomplished, and wanting to return for more. Welcome to our tribe. We can’t wait to meet you!


Conveniently located

by Wayfinder Coffee in Northeast Colorado Springs, just a few minutes from Powers on Austin Bluffs

6140 Austin Bluffs Pkwy #100, Colorado Springs, CO 80923

Ready to sign up? book a no sweat intro and change your life